Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Retrieving the Column Letter

The other day I was trying to do some kinda formula that involved needing the column letter. I know, if one types =COLUMN() you will get the column number. BUT WHAT ABOUT THE LETTER? This formula only goes up to column “ZZ,” AKA column "702," but that’s all I needed.


=RAND() in Word? What the #$%&?

Have you ever used the =RAND() function in Excel? If you haven’t, it basically just generates a random number from zero to one, e.g. “0.34874376.” No this isn’t a surprise, but what is a surprise is that it works in Word. Go ahead and type “=RAND()” into Word and see what happens. Hint: you don’t get numbers.

Friday, February 20, 2009

How to Remove Excess Periods

The other day I came across the most annoying formatting that was a major pain-in-the-ass undo.
. Envelopes………………………..
. Paper……………………………….
. Staples…………………………….

Imagine having to go into each cell, highlighting a bunch of little dots and then deleting them. Then repeat this a couple hundred times. YIKES!!! So, on my journey to work smarter and not the other way, I discovered something interesting. Excel thinks that 1 period is a single charter and that 3 periods is also a single character. So, what do you do when you’ve got butt-load periods? Which number of periods do you try to eliminate? The answer is you have to deal with both. Here are the character numbers:

. = CHAR(46)
… =CHAR(133)

I won’t bore you with the details, but here is the magic formula that did the job:


I am using the LEFT function which returns a specified number of characters starting at the left of the target cell. Most of this monster formula is just finding how many characters that needs to be returned.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

The DOW Drops Below 7,500

Go lower!!! I am not a homeowner and I don’t have any money in the stock market, but I probably will as soon as I get another stimulus check. If you’re worried, just stop! Things can only go up from here.....unless we see the DOW dip below 7,000. I don’t know what it all means, but I do enjoy the reading about all the drama.


Minus Minus vs. *1 or ^1 or /1

Some operations in Excel will give you a simple “true” or “false.” For example:


Either ‘A1’ is equal to zero or it is not. So, you will get the actual words “TRUE” or “FALSE” in the cell. These kinds of operations are useful in long formulas if they are converted to their number counterparts; that is, 1 = true and 2 = false.
On the message boards, it is common practice to use minus minus to make this word-to-number conversion. For example:


For those in the know it makes sense, but I think there is a better way. I like to use “*1.”


Multiplying by 1 gives the reader of your formula a better idea of what is going on and eliminates the weird spacing that the minus minus creates.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Shaky Start

This being the first entry, I assume an introduction is in order. My name is Devin Annis. I am an accountant at a trendy hotel on the Sunset Strip. My wildly varied and passionate interests include wine, Excel, astronomy, philosophy, technology, skeptisicm, and politics.

I have been contemplating creating a kind of instructional website on Excel. Excel is a massively complicated program that fascinates my analytical brain. Learning the ins and outs of this program can be headache, but more importantly, it can never be fully learned. This means that there is always plenty to write about. This won't be my primary focus, but I will sure share some of the epiphanies that I regularly experience as I go through the process of learning this great program.

I am not sure what other kinds of rants and ejaculations that I may spew on to your virgin computer screen, but stay tuned; it should be interesting.